Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The sun hasn't even risen yet, but it's a new day in Kassel.

It's election day, expatriate style

The Americans have all been here since 5am, watching CNN, whipping out the laptops, drinking coffees and heaving sighs of relief.

Everyone's excited...

Fred: "I've got two words: Indiana"
Jason: "I believe - again."
Eva: "Dancing in the streets."
Brea: "I'm still deciding on my resolution." and: "Obama: The New Magic Tendu."
Chris: "I'd love to see the look on Bill O'Reilly's face."
Lily: "Finally I have my husband back."

Finally we can all be proud of our country again. Thanks, Barack.

1 comment:

lisa said...

we stayed up late enough to hear him speak and be very proud of our "last bastion of the klan" state electing the right man for the office.