Breakfast in America
the Wednesday morning election return party
Nov. 5, 2008
Erzbergerstr. 33
5:00 a.m. until the Supreme Court shuts down the Florida recount.
come through for fresh muffins and a steaming hot cup of schadenfreude.
Please RSVP in the comments... if you're a NO, you'd best have a good excuse.
Karl, you can crash on our couch as long as you want.
I just got back from the neighborhood polling station. I was greeted at 5:45am (15 minutes before the polls opened) with a line that was already three blocks long. Luckily, it's a beautiful morning and everyone was in a high and friendly spirit. The woman a few people in front of me kept telling new-comers to, "join the line with a smile." That, of course, was all before the squirrel attacked.
"squirrel" - brooklyn for "rat"
12 minutes door to door and I walked to the poll.
a real squirrel crossed my path on the way to the poll but I pushed on unafraid because in Chandler some loose dog is going to eat his ass any minute anyway.
Fred, Unfortunately I will not be attending as I am currently engaged as an instrument of foreign policy. Perhaps in 2012, unless I am still "engaged".
... politics by other means...
... by any means necessary ...
you get a pass. lucky duck.
No attacking squirrels here. Lots of red stickers. I'm feeling patriotic, sporting my grandfather's navy dacron tie with the old glory motif, but a little nervous. This is my soothing mantra:
"whatever happens, Bush will be gone."
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