First let me first put all doubts out of your mind: he is a dead ringer for my dad in his 20s. But with his jet-black thick hair, long nose, and olive skin, he's something of an international man of mystery.
In his 27 years, he's been mistaken for half-black, Puerto Rican, Arabic, Greek, half-Mexican, and the Artist Formerly Known as Prince. He's an actor, so this is often to his advantage; he recently toured around the state of Minnesota with Teatro del Pueblo, a job I can guarantee you my sisters and I would've been type-casted out of.
It's something of a Stillwell sibling tradition to stage little skits for each other on big occasions. We've been doing it for years, you see. Dressing up for our parents, putting on our own shows. Now that we're all grown up....wait a minute, doesn't that kind of describe my current job? Ahem. As I was saying, now that we're all grown up, we save this special hidden talent for events like weddings.
My brother's chameleon good looks were the idea behind our skit at his rehearsal dinner, where the 3 sisters had help from brothers-in-law Fred and Frank. After questioning our brother's real identity, we solved the case by posing John in a sombrero and unveiling a poster-sized version of this gem from his childhood. (Big props to Dad for the poster idea and for making the Kinko's run)
Now you can understand how he got his nickname, Juan in a Million.
Not that being married is gonna stop John from a little costume fun of his own. I caught him messing around with the flower girls' wings pre-wedding...
...and everyone got to see just how smashingly handsome he looked in his first appearance at his new real-life role: Husband.
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