Yesterday, after my 24-hour door-to-door Kassel to Minneapolis Saturday, I didn't want to move much, so after fluffy buttermilk pancakes, John and I headed to a warehouse in the neighborhood that was having a "book lovers sale." The story behind it was that the owners of the building rented space to a guy who thought he was going to start the next Well, suffice to say he had no idea what he was doing, and after a year collecting tens of thousands of books, and never getting his business off the ground (or paying his rent), he was kicked out of the warehouse. But the owners, in lieu of all that back rent, kept the books. What to do? They're selling off the stock to Twin Cities book lovers - fifty cents for paperbacks, one dollar for hardbacks. Gold mine. I spent four hours and twelve dollars and will need a new suitcase to get this haul back to Germany...

So, let's chop through this in a little more detail, shall we? Take it from the top:

Stein with groovy cover
DFW British paperback edition
Collected Mandelstam prose (nice score)
Second book by "Motherless Brooklyn" author Lethem (Gun with occasional Music) - for Lily
Czech novelist Grisa
Gaddis is a tough read, but my friend Brian swears by him
Vonnegut short stories "Welcome to the Monkey House"
"The experience of nothingness" whoa, also with groovy cover
Didion "Salvador"

"The natural history of the mind" for lily, who's all into brains
"Love and Garbage" says it all - another E. European author
C. Hein is an (East) German novelist
G. Grass is a famous German
Sontag hardbound first edition SCORE!
Daumal's "A night of Serious Drinking" hardbound english first SCORE!
Rick Moody short stories
Didion hardbound niceness
Adam Gopnik on expat living... a lily fave
Hardbound Murakami - Kafka on the beach
Nice way to spend a sunday. Anything I missed?