"The world is always looking to reward conformity. Every age has its official line on what is real, what is good and what is bad. A dish made up of dishonesty, ignorance, and cowardice served every evening with a serious mien and an air of highest integrity by the TV news is the ideal. Literature, too, is expected to go along with that. Your tribe is always trying to reform you and teach you manners. The poet is that kid who, standing in the corner with his back turned to his schoolmates, thinks he is in paradise."
--Charles Simic, from "The Trouble With Poetry"
Some things that make me think my corner is paradise...

It's by the radiator...

And the window on winter...

It reminds me what my job is...

It reminds me to keep it moving...

I couldn't quit if I wanted to...

There are warnings here...

A drawing by Madeline.

A photo of Abebe Bikila.

Advice for "That kid... standing in the corner..."

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