We start here
To get here
We start either here
Or here
And if we want to get here
It's got to start somewhere
Every day, 15 of us make our way to the Balletsaal to train. Pin Cheih sits with her back against the heater. Leyla, using all the equipment in the room, goes through a special and mysterious routine. Jason practices tendus with his pants pulled up. Brea rolls back and forth on the foam roller. Roberto rolls around on the floor. Ben comes in and opens the window. Mats props Szu Wei's head up on his thigh. I rearrange my bag. Lisa stretches her back and says "Que pala...." Cesar puts on a third pair of pants. Kristen does Pilates while laughing hysterically with Ekaterine. Julian and Evangelos slip in last.
These two hours are our preparation and our discipline. They're how we stay strong, and how we keep learning. They're where it all starts, 10 am, day after day.
Matjek's playing lifts our spirits
So that we can turn
And jump

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