Four weeks later, my legs are feeling better. Before I start scheduling appointments to have my back fat liposuctioned, I guess I'll give this running thing a try again.
The great thing about this first month or two of "getting it back" is that I can do whatever I want because I won't be doing a lot of intensity or long runs. So how to make running fun again?
Go Cross Country!
It's like running and mud wrestling combined.
High in the hills above Kassel...
in the shadow of the statue of Hercules...

there are miles and miles of old logging roads and trails...
where it's easy to get lost...
and even easier to get muddy...
So wipe your Lottos on the mat...
(Note: a certain XC junkie needs to ditch his business interests in the Netherlands for a couple days to help me make footprints on these hills... "in flats.")
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