After everyone had ordered, Cesar stood up, clanged a fork against his glass, and asked for everyone's attention.

"I will try to speak..." he said.
Lisa slid under the table.
Cesar doesn't speak in big groups of people. Or small groups of people. Something was up.
"I am so glad to be here with all of you, with Brian, Kata, Johannes and all my new friends..."
Then he asked the table to marry him.
I mean, he asked Lisa to marry him, but she was still under the table. It took a couple minutes to get her out.
It was incredibly touching and generous of him to share his proposal with his friends. He bought the ring in Columbia this summer and had been carrying it around since.
Maybe he was inspired after seeing Lisa in a wedding dress.
So, here's a little photo send-up to Kassel's newest about-to-be-married couple from the Tanzemsembe's longest-and-not-for-long-only married couple.
As Carmen said, "It's about time something like this happened around here."

Rigattieri family, friends of the wife
ohohohohohoh! congratulations n°2 to the lucky bride (die glueckliche Braut?!!)
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