First, Egypt. Now Libya, Bahrain, Iran. Up here in Northern Europe you don't see much evidence on the daily from the revolutions underway. They're TV images, headlines, blog postings, running headlines at the bottom of the screen. Gaddafi getting out of a car under an umbrella. Mubarak's henchman in hallway, trying to look dignified under the bright glare of lights as he announces defeat. A limp corpse being carried out from behind a car in Libya.
A new world order is opening up. I am searching for its signs in orderly, methodical Deutschland, which requires creativity. My friend's father, who's a pastor, told her about John the Baptist wandering the desert, calling out "Repent!" to those he met. The pastor says "repent" is only one way to translate the word from the original Greek text, and a moralistic one. The word has an additional, more literal meaning: Revolve. Turn yourself around. Auf deutsch, sich umdrehen. Yourself aroundturn.
Crocuses are popping up, though it's 8 degrees out and webs of frost shade the office windows.
A favorite Kassel couple is heading out to Berlin, moving in together for the first time.
A dancer who's always had the next job lined up has decided not to take the next secure one when he's offered it, and instead to float, to wait, to see.
Instead of splitting immediately, they are trying to work it out. Neither of them has done this before.
Staying put instead of leaving. Not doing instead of doing.
A new tattoo.
New stem cells.
And all the babies born since 2011. Daniel, Emily, Meadow, Charlotte. Am I forgetting someone? The next one - the niece, or nephew - any day now.
James Blake: Wilhelm's Scream, Lindesfarne I, II
Nicolas Jaar: Stay in Love, I Got A Woman
Deerhunter: He Would Have Laughed, Helicopter
Radiohead: Codex, Feral
The Go Find: Igloo
Fünf Sterne Deluxe: Willst du mit mir geh'n?
Fat Freddy's Drop: The Raft, and all the remixes of it
Die Antwoord: She Makes me a Killer