Monday, September 10, 2007


Four days after our arrival, with no furniture to speak of, Lily and I were walking through a steady rain (it always rains here) after signing me up for Deutchkurs A-1 (sprechen like a child), when lily turned and saw a bunch of furniture chucked in an alley.

"OOH, DESK..."

We were ten blocks from home... all uphill... (did I mention it was raining)... but lily's got that superhuman strength that says "we ain't payin' for shit!"

Puddles aside, it was in surprisingly good shape.

It's amazing what a little sandpaper and olive oil can do.

Poetry gods shining through the downpour.


onikaaru said...

what was heavier... the desk or that book?

i don't know if you knew, but "freiburg ist das sonnigste stadt deutschlands!" i guess that doesn't say much though.

LoMa said...

That desk is beautiful! Great eye Lily. You are my kind of woman! Missing you and Fred and hoping that your home feels even more like home now. All Best-