Lots of new poetry magazines lighting up my mailbox this spring. A quick rundown:
I've been translated for the first time, appearing alongside nine poets I recommend highly (Beckman, Bervin, Mathys, Hawkey, Hart, Zuba, Stonecipher, Moschovakis, Svalina), in a bilingual Spanish-English anthology of new American poets from Cosmopoética (Córdoba, Spain), entitled
La familia americana.

Those not in Europe who are interested in picking up a copy can email me or leave a comment and I will put you in touch with the editor.
"Guided tours" opens the second issue of Handsome, a magazine published by Black Ocean out of Boston.

Other highlights include six poems by Paula Cisewski (from her new book "Ghost Fargo") and "Concession Speech" by Jordan Davis.
Projective Industries and DoubleCross Press have teamed up to publish a really beautiful hand-sewn magazine with a great title: We Are So Happy to Know Something (WASHTKS). My poems "A short film about radiance" and "A slash of blue" appear there, alongside a bunch of people you may have heard of.

Another poem about Germany, or about not being able to speak German, is in the latest issue of
Spinning Jenny. Spinning Jenny (along with
jubilat) is one of the most cohesive poetry magazines I've ever read. Really a joy to read. Worth buying for William Winfield Wright's "32 Fucking Poems about Chess" alone.

My long poem "The Center of all Europe" (many short parts, much taken from repeated visits to Documenta, first noted on the blog
here) in the new issue (#4) of
Zoland Poetry, which has landed with some folks stateside, but which I haven't yet seen (and which oddly enough, isn't available from their website, although you can buy it at
Powell's or
Random House).

"We meet no stranger but our self" appears online in
issue X of H_NGM_N. Lots of great stuff throughout this site, including interviews, essays, etc.
And forthcoming:
A handful of poems will be online soon in the fifth issue of
Absent. Not sure the drop date on this yet.
Just got proofs for two poems (including one for Doogie) which will appear in issue nine of
1111 this summer. Sarah Fox is also in this issue (yeah!).
The next issue (#22) of
Forklift, Ohio will have two poems ("Landing on water" and "Here and only here").
Another fun project I did recently which will see the light of day in the weeks to come is an interview with modern dance choreographer David Neumann, which comes out in Issue 21 of